Thursday, July 29, 2010

Question 1 - Why antivaccine?

I, Lowel Hubbs, am not just antivaccine.  I am anti- anything established.  I am anti- THE MAN.

Listen, the government is trying to run our lives.  And it's bullshit.  The government is just producing chemicals that they are pumping into the air.  I breathe this toxic crap, and now look at me, I'm posting pure bullshit on blogs and websites.  It's all because of the government.  That's why I am anti-government.

I am also anti-pharmaceutical companies.  People just look in the history books.  Its all there plane as day.  The government formed all the pharmaceutical companies way back in like the 1800's and now they are keeping us all drugged up.  And making us pay for it.  It's all there.  Just read it in the history books.  Big pharma is trying to rape us, and all you sheeple are falling for it.

But I am not just anti-vaccine, anti-government, and anti-pharmaceutical, it's so much more.  I am anti-hospital, anti-doctor, anti-big tobacco, anti-cooperation, anti-global warming, anti-Obama, anti-Europe, anti-sanity, anti-MSNBC, anti-facts, anti-reason, anti-logic, anti-nurses, anti-surgery, anti-children, anti-puppies, and anti-liberal AMERICA.  I am also anti-sheeple, even though I just quote whatever any person who is against doctors and healthcare say.  I really just don't even think for myself actually.

Thank you Dr. Wakefield and thank you freedom of speech for allowing me to take up space on the internet.

Until next time,

Lowell Hubbs

A Bit About Me - Lowel Hubbs

Hi my name is Lowell Hubbs, and I am an ex-felon / ex-con, who barely passed high school, who believes he knows everything there is to know about the evil medical community.  This is my new blog.  Please stay posted for a FAQ soon to follow.